About us

We are 24 rooms hotel in Tangolunda Bay just 100 meters in straight line to the beach*, with a tradition of more than 35 years servicing  Huatulco visitors.

Owned by a Mexican family who believed in this destination 35 years ago, and operated by friendly locals, some of them with more than 30 years with us. So if you want the right tips about what to do in Huatulco, visit us. We will show you the best Huatulco has to offer.


These regulations have been authorized by the Ministry of Tourism in exercise of the powers conferred by articles 57 of the Federal Tourism Law and article 6 of NOM_010_TUR_2001 and NOM-07 TUR-2002, and therefore obliges to Super Solaris S.A. DE C.V., with address at Boulevard Benito Juarez S/N, lot 23, Tangolunda Hotel Zone, Bahías de Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico. CP 70989, who hereinafter will be called the "HOTEL" and on the other hand the user known hereinafter as the "GUEST", who by virtue of the HOSTING AGREEMENT are subject to the observation and compliance with the following provisions:


Once the conditions with which the HOTEL will provide the services offered to the GUEST have been accepted, the GUEST will be subject to the provisions of this regulation, considering it as a contract and will be obliged to comply with all its points. The following regulations will be valid for the duration of the stay or provision of the services provided by the HOTEL to the GUEST and until the debt or expense derived from the provision of services to the GUEST is settled. The HOTEL does not reserve the provision of its services to any person for reasons of race, religion, sexual orientation, physical or socioeconomic condition, or for any other reason. The HOTEL reserves the right of admission of persons who threaten the safety of guests and/or employees, and who come under the influence of alcohol or any unauthorized drug. The GUEST who presents an aggressive, threatening or disrespectful attitude in any way, either to the HOTEL staff or its guests, the HOTEL will have the power to request their departure and may be reported to the competent authorities. The HOTEL is not obliged to apply any type of discount. Therefore, the promotions or discounts offered to the guest will be at the discretion of the HOTEL. THE HOTEL reserves the rights to the programming of internal activities, consumption centers, recreational areas and other services offered, which can be changed or modified according to the operation and needs of the HOTEL, without prior notice. Every GUEST who has a vehicle and circulates within the HOTEL property must at all times respect the speed limits and safety regulations established by it. The hotel parking lot is for the exclusive use of guests and clients. The HOTEL is not responsible for damages caused to the vehicle derived from a fortuitous event, force majeure or accidents caused by another vehicle, theft of parts or items left inside the vehicle.


The HOTEL displays in the reception area its category, current lodging rates and these regulations, in accordance with the provisions of NOM_010_-TUR_2001. The amount of the lodging must be settled in its entirety by the GUEST in the currency of the United Mexican States, in cash or valid credit card; checks are not accepted as a form of payment. The HOTEL reserves the right to demand payment at the end of the stay or periodically, at the discretion and convenience of the HOTEL. In the event that the GUEST does not pay the HOTEL for the total accommodation, the HOTEL Management will automatically terminate their accommodation contract, immediately demanding the eviction of the room and retaining the luggage as guarantee. In the event of not paying the HOTEL within a period of thirty calendar days, the HOTEL will have the power to carry out an inventory of the luggage with the presence of two witnesses to offer it for sale. If the HOTEL determines that the value of said luggage is less than the amount owed, it will proceed before the competent authorities. Every GUEST staying at the HOTEL will have the obligation to register on the guest registration card indicating their name, address and defining the date of registration and departure from the HOTEL, as well as the name and age of the people who accompany them. For security reasons, at the time of registration of the GUEST, a valid official identification with photograph of all registered guests and their visits will be required. Photo ID must also match the name on the reservation. The HOTEL reserves the right to deny entry to guests who do not have a valid photo ID. The data and personal information provided by the GUEST to the HOTEL will be collected, processed and stored under the terms and conditions of the Privacy Notice that was made known upon entering the HOTEL at the reception or on the registration card and you can consult it for your comfort in our portal: www.plazahuatulco.com  The cost of lodging is per fraction or full day that will be calculated from 3:01 p.m. vacate the room in its entirety. In the event that the GUEST does not vacate the room on time, an additional day of lodging will be charged directly to his account.


The rooms, common areas and consumption centers will be available for the exclusive use of the GUESTS during their stay or the provision of the services contracted with the HOTEL. Any person who is surprised in a GUEST's room, who has not been previously registered at the HOTEL reception and without the GUEST's consent, will be sufficient reason for the Management to require said person to leave the room or even the HOTEL with the legal implications that this entails, if there is any illegality derived from this action. The Hotel reserves the right to take legal action. The use of candles, resins or paraffins inside the rooms is prohibited, in addition to the use of combustion devices or equipment. The storage of food, fuel or chemicals will not be allowed either. The GUEST will be responsible for compensating or paying for the damage, derived from a problem that affects the equipment or infrastructure of the room or the HOTEL. It is forbidden to hang wet clothes on the windows, furniture and electrical equipment of the room, as well as in places of common use that affect public view. Any damage caused to furniture and electrical equipment owned by the HOTEL will be the responsibility of the GUEST. The GUEST is prohibited from nailing or placing portraits, images or other objects on the walls, ceiling, floor and furniture, modifying or altering the decoration of the room and outdoor areas, having medicines or substances that, due to their odor or stench, make the environment unpleasant. the room and/or bother other users. It is prohibited to use sound devices within the HOTEL facilities that disturb public order. The HOTEL management may ask the GUEST to lower the sound levels, thus ensuring the tranquility of the other guests. Towels are the property of the HOTEL and are not allowed to leave the room, in the case of the pools they are provided free of charge within these areas. The towels borrowed inside the pool must be returned the same day, during the pool's operating hours and in the place where they were delivered. In case of losing them, the cost of the same will be charged to the GUEST's account. The HOTEL has a towel control system that must be respected in a timely manner by the GUEST. To make use of the pools, the GUEST must wear adequate and appropriate clothing that does not harm hygiene or affect the morale of other guests. The pools do not have a surveillance or lifeguard service, so any accident due to recklessness of the GUEST will be the total responsibility of the GUEST. For safety reasons, it is forbidden to eat food and use glass cups or bottles in the pool areas, inside them and in other aquatic recreation areas. The GUEST must respect and conduct themselves in accordance with the regulations and rules of conduct established by the HOTEL for the use of common use, leisure, sports and aquatic areas, if applicable.


For the exclusive use of our guests and at their own risk. We don't have lifeguard

1. Pool use hours 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. After this time, the pool lights and green areas will be turned off.

2. The use of a bathing suit is mandatory for all ages. Bathing with underwear is not allowed, including children.

3. It is forbidden to enter the pool with sunscreen, oils and/or sand.

4. Please use the shower next to the bungalows before entering the pool.

5. Forbidden to enter the pool in an alcoholic state.

6. It is forbidden to introduce food inside and near the pool area.

7. The entry of drinks and glass bottles into the pool is prohibited.

8. Smoking and chewing gum are prohibited in the pool.

9. Horseplay is prohibited, as well as jumping or diving into the pool.

10. Access by minors without adult supervision is prohibited.

11. The entry of animals to the pool and facilities is prohibited.

12. Please deposit the garbage in its place.

13. Prohibited the use for audio reproducing devices.

14. The section of lounge chairs will not be made, so the administration is separated from lost objects. If belongings are found, they will be kept at the reception as lost.

15. Those guests who hold meetings in these areas and who do not collect their waste, in particular cans, bottles, bags, cardboard boxes, food scraps and cigarette butts, will receive an extra cleaning fee of $300 per event.


Los drones son aeronaves pilotadas por control remoto, su uso indebido puede suponer un riesgo para la seguridad física, la protección de datos y la privacidad de nuestros huéspedes, visitantes y bienes en tierra. Por ello, el Hotel prohíbe el uso para fines recreativos de cualquier aeronave pilotada por control remoto en sus instalaciones. En caso de incumplimiento, la Gerencia del Hotel podrá solicitar el detener su uso y en su caso, solicitar al huésped y/o visitante que se sorprenda pilotando una aeronave, su salida del Hotel por motivos de seguridad y principalmente por la protección de la privacidad de nuestros huéspedes. Normatividad: Circular Obligatoria de fecha 8 de abril de 2015 emitida por la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes y de la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil en la que se establecen los requerimientos para operar un sistema de aeronave pilotada a distancia.


El Hotel protege la flora y fauna silvestre que se encuentra dentro de sus instalaciones conforme a la normativa establecida en México por las autoridades competentes en materia ambiental. Los huéspedes y visitantes deberán en todo momento respetar la flora y fauna silvestre que se encuentra dentro de las instalaciones del Hotel. Cualquier incumplimiento será motivo para que la Gerencia General del Hotel solicite su salida. En caso de existir daños físicos o materiales ocasionados intencionalmente por el huésped o visitante, procederá la reclamación por el Hotel de daños y perjuicios y la denuncia a las autoridades ambientales competentes.


Los restaurantes, así como cualquier otro proveedor localizado en la propiedad, son independientemente operados por empresas y personal ajeno a EL HOTEL por lo que nos somos responsables por ningún tipo consecuencia por la prestación de un producto o servicio al HUÉSPED y  por el consumo en dichos establecimientos. El HOTEL negará el consumo en la de bebidas alcohólicas en la propiedad a cualquier HUÉSPED que esté visiblemente intoxicado por alcohol o cualquier tipo de sustancia enervante, garantizando de esta manera la seguridad del mismo y de los demás HUÉSPEDES. El HOTEL podrá reservarse el derecho de solicitar al HUÉSPED que altere el orden público por influencia de alcohol o cualquier sustancia ilegal enervante, salir del centro de consumo o área pública y dirigirse a su habitación. En caso de negarse podrá ser remitido a las autoridades competentes.


Queda prohibido el ingreso de mascotas o animales, con excepción de aquellos huéspedes que por motivo de alguna discapacidad del HUÉSPED requiera de la compañía de un perro guía o animal de servicio conforme a lo previsto en la Ley General para la Inclusión de las Personas con Discapacidad de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos o aquellos autorizados específicamente por la gerencia como mascotas de compañía y que hayan pago los costos correspondientes por su estadía. Es responsabilidad única del HUÉSPED solicitar y atenerse a las políticas  establecidas mascotas por el HOTEL. En caso contrario es causante de rescisión inmediata de este contrato de hospedaje.

- Políticas y Reglamento para el alojamiento de mascotas. -

En Hotel Plaza Huatulco Bungalow estamos consiente de la importancia de sus mascotas en su diario vivir familiar y con el fin de resguardar la integridad y convivencia de los huéspedes y trabajadores, es necesario que se respeten las siguientes normativas durante su estadía. Contamos con una tarifa de $ 300 MXN por estadía, la cual será pagada directamente en la recepción al momento del registro.

1. El hotel acepta únicamente animales domésticos como mascota (perros y gatos)

2. Se exige la utilización obligatoria de bozal para aquellas razas potencialmente peligrosas.

3. Se aceptarán 1 mascota por habitación. (consultar con recepción la posibilidad de 2 mascotas en caso de ser razas pequeñas)

4. La mascota debe estar acompañada por dueño o un adulto responsable SIN EXCEPCIÓN. La correa debe estar siempre debidamente atada al cuello al momento de frecuentar las áreas comunes del hotel.

5. Los propietarios serán los responsables de que se recojan los excrementos dejados en las áreas públicas del hotel y en habitación.

6. No se permitirá el acceso de mascotas a zonas restringidas del hotel como son los baños públicos y alberca.

7. Se prohíbe el uso de toallas, sabanas, camas, sofá, sillas o cojines de la habitación para las mascotas. Por lo que se aconseja proteger nuestro mobiliario con algo de su propiedad.

8. Las mascotas tienen prohibido dormir en el mobiliario de la habitación.

9. Prohibido utilizar la loza y cristalería destinada a los huéspedes para alimentar a su mascota.

10. Está prohibido dejar a la mascota sola en la habitación y /o en el auto (avisar a recepción en casos de extrema urgencia) Tenemos el servicio de guardería sujeto a disponibilidad con un costo extra.

11. Solo se procederá con la limpieza de la habitación cuando conste que salieron todos los huéspedes de la habitación junto con la mascota. En caso de requerir aseo, pero van a seguir disfrutando de las instalaciones del hotel, se solicita que comuniquen a recepción para coordinar.

12. Cualquier daño causado por la mascota es responsabilidad del propietario.

13. Se debe respetar el espacio y tranquilidad de los demás huéspedes.

14. La higiene de la mascota es responsabilidad de la persona a cargo.

15. El hotel no se hace responsable por enfermedad, pérdida, robo, muerte, etc. de la mascota.

16. En caso de alguna queja por parte de huéspedes u otras personas ligadas al hotel o por incumplimiento de esta normativa, la administración del hotel podrá solicitarle que retire a la mascota en un lapso de 24 horas desde recibida la notificación e incluso suspender el servicio al (los) propietarios de las mascotas de manera inmediata. Hotel Plaza Huatulco Bungalow se reserva el derecho de admisión de las mascotas como de sus propietarios, además de modificar este reglamento en cualquier momento.


Based on the General Law for Tobacco Control, its regulations and applicable laws, smoking is prohibited in the areas and rooms of the HOTEL that are not intended for it. The GUEST who fails to comply with this provision will be referred to the competent authority who will establish the corresponding fine. The HOTEL, if necessary, will have the power to make an additional charge for laundry, dry cleaning and deodorization of bedspreads, covers, etc. of up to $10,000 MXN (ten thousand pesos MN) per event. The consumption of unregulated substances and considered illegal in Mexico is prohibited. Whoever is caught consuming these substances will be referred to the competent authorities.


In compliance with the official Mexican standard NOM-010-TUR-2001 and NOM-07 TUR-2002, the GUEST has civil liability insurance in force for the duration of their accommodation and whose accident has occurred within the facilities of the HOTEL. SECURITY. The GUEST and his guests must respect the marked roads, as well as the signage and notices in the common areas.


In the event of the death of the GUEST, his or her relatives or companions must immediately notify the HOTEL management so that it notifies the Public Ministry Agency on duty to order what is appropriate in accordance with the law and so that the relatives or companions may dispose of the body, which may not be moved from the area until the corresponding authority authorizes it. The HOTEL is not responsible for the prices and quality of the services provided by THIRD PARTIES that are offered inside or contracted outside the HOTEL facilities: travel agencies, medical services, babysitting services, aesthetics, crafts, transportation service, events and meetings, among others. Likewise, the HOTEL reserves the right of admission to THIRD PARTIES who intend to provide services within the HOTEL facilities. The HOTEL is not responsible for valuables not deposited in the safe deposit boxes located in the rooms. Minors are the responsibility of the GUEST of legal age at all times and must ensure their safety, ensuring that during the entire stay they do not cause inconvenience to other guests or damage the integrity of the HOTEL facilities. The GUEST will be responsible throughout their stay for any accident that the minor may suffer within the HOTEL facilities. In the case of children's recreation areas and/or children's clubs, GUESTS must sign the corresponding regulations at the time of registration and whose purpose is the safety of minors. If any GUEST should become ill, the HOTEL Management is empowered to demand immediate medical attention, and if the disease is contagious, the HOTEL Management will notify the coordinated public health services so that they can act accordingly. The GUEST will be responsible for the payment of the medical service, transfer or any type of care received.


Son causales de rescisión del CONTRATO DE HOSPEDAJE por el HUÉSPED: a. El incumplimiento por parte del HOTEL en los términos y condiciones del CONTRATO DE HOSPEDAJE. b. Atentar contra la integridad física y moral del HUÉSPED por los empleados del HOTEL. En dichos casos, el HOTEL solo reembolsará al HUÉSPED el importe del anticipo que hubiese entregado, menos los cargos ya generados por habitación y otros consumos, los cuales siempre deberán ser pagados al HOTEL. Son causales de rescisión del CONTRATO DE HOSPEDAJE sin responsabilidad para el Hotel:

a. El incumplimiento por parte del HUÉSPED en los términos y condiciones del CONTRATO DE HOSPEDAJE y este reglamento. Por no pagar en tiempo y forma el monto total generado por la prestación de servicios hechos por el HOTEL al HUÉSPED.

b. En caso de que el HUÉSPED se presente en estado de embriaguez o en la influencia de cualquier tipo de sustancia ilegal enervante y perturba el reposo y tranquilidad de los demás HUÉSPEDES o incurra en faltas a la moral, a las buenas costumbres o por agresión a cualquier empleado del HOTEL.

c. Atentar contra la integridad física y moral de los demás HUÉSPEDES y empleados y sus pertenencias.

d. Dañar parcial o totalmente las instalaciones, equipo y mobiliario que el HOTEL ponga a disposición del HUÉSPED o de sus invitados. En caso de incurrir en algún daño.

e. El HUÉSPED se obliga a pagar al HOTEL, el costo que implique la reparación o reposición de cualquier objeto, mueble o bien material propiedad del HOTEL que haya sido dañado total o parcialmente, ya sea por descuido o intencionalmente. El HUÉSPED deberá reportar a recepción cualquier desperfecto en su habitación inmediatamente después de que haya tomado posesión de la misma (vidrios rotos, muebles rayados, quemados, etc.)De no hacerlo así, el HOTEL podría hacerlo responsable de los daños. 

f. Facilitar el acceso a invitados o mascotas ajenas al HOTEL para hacer uso de las instalaciones y disfrutar de los privilegios que goza el HUÉSPED, sin previa autorización registró en la recepción del hotel. Sustraer cualquier equipo, mobiliario o especie protegida que sean propiedad o se encuentren dentro de las instalaciones del HOTEL.

g. Portar cualquier tipo de arma o sustancia ilegal que ponga en peligro a los huéspedes y/o empleados del HOTEL. Al HUÉSPED que sea sorprendido portando un arma aún con permiso de portación de armas, por la seguridad de los huéspedes y personal del HOTEL, la Gerencia le solicitará su resguardo en la caja fuerte de su habitación.

h. El HUÉSPED será responsable de indemnizar por cualquier tipo de daño físico o moral provocado intencionalmente a terceras personas dentro de las instalaciones del HOTEL y será remitido a las autoridades competentes.

i. En el caso que el HOTEL rescinda el CONTRATO DE HOSPEDAJE al HUÉSPED por alguno de los motivos antes mencionados, el HOTEL estará facultado para exigir y llevar el desalojo de la habitación asignada al HUÉSPED, pudiendo hacer uso de la fuerza pública así como retener el equipaje del HUÉSPED en garantía de los daños y perjuicios que haya causado su proceder al HOTEL, sin perjuicios de que el HOTEL haga efectivo el pagaré denominado VOUCHER para garantizar las obligaciones de pago a su cargo.


Toda queja, sugerencia o felicitación que tenga el HUÉSPED sobre la calidad del servicio prestado se recomienda sea anotada en el formato correspondiente mismo que podrá solicitarlo en la recepción del HOTEL.


En los casos no previstos del presente reglamento, se atenderá lo establecido por el Reglamento de Establecimiento de Hospedaje que se encuentre en vigor, la Ley Federal Turismo, la Norma Oficial Mexicana y demás disposiciones legales que apliquen.